Noni Berry Can Boost Your Immune System

Noni berry is a powerful antioxidant and has been used over 2,000 years. People who consumed Noni juice have lower incidences of many diseases and illnesses.

Noni berry has been used by natives of the pacific islands for over 2,000 years. It is only recently that western societies have begun using the plant and its fruit as a natural supplement. What we do know about Noni berry, based on western science, is that it is a powerful antioxidant. Noni berry reduces modification of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) which should lessen the onset of arteriosclerosis. Noni appears to boost the immunity of people taking it and to have anti-inflammatory properties. Noni berry (also known as Indian Mulberry) is a green, lumpy, pocked fruit that is about the size and shape of potato. It is only recently that western societies have begun using the plant and its fruit as a natural supplement. Concerning Noni berry, the vast majority of the science and knowledge of the fruit is of a traditional basis. Western science of a reliable nature is just now starting to accumulate on Noni and for now most of the traditional medicine claims are unsubstantiated by double-blind placebo studies. Certainly many studies and scientific analysis have shown promising results, particularly In Vitro (laboratory, test tube, Petri dish, etc.), but only time will tell if more rigorous studies prove the medicinal value of Noni berry. No small thing to be an antioxidant:

Noni berry is a powerful antioxidant. An antioxidant is a substance that reduces the oxidative damage caused by free radicals.


Free radicals are unstable atoms or molecules with at least one unpaired electron. These atoms or molecules with unpaired electrons go looking for another electron to pair up with. If they find an electron, they take it. That makes them stable now, but it makes the atoms or molecules that they took the electron from, unstable. This makes for a new, Free Radical. Additionally, the serious damage from Free Radicals seems to come in the act of searching for, piercing into and taking electrons from cells. This "oxidization" activity damages cell structures, particularly the cellular plasma membranes. Plasma cell membranes are natural gate keepers for cells, deciding what comes and goes within the cell. Damaging the plasma cell membrane and/or having the presence of free radicals in the cell, can damage the cell's ability to generate energy (in the mitochondria organelles), damage the cell's nucleus and/or damage the cell's DNA. Through this process the use and movement of nutrients, oxygen, water, waste products and toxins can also be hindered.

So how do we stop, or reduce the activities or impacts of free radicals? The answer is the aforementioned Antioxidants. Numerous scientific studies have concluded that by consuming foods and supplements which are rich in antioxidant properties, the incidence of diseases associated with the consequences of Free Radical oxidization can be reduced. This does not mean that these diseases can be cured, treated or prevented. Rather, it means that in scientific studies, people who consumed significant levels of antioxidants had lower incidences of these diseases including: Antioxidants inhibit the oxidization and/or the reactions that are caused by free radicals and by doing so, limit or stop the effects of Free Radicals.

* Prostate Cancer
* Skin Cancer
* Colon /Rectal Cancer
* Heart Disease
* Congestive Heart Failure
* Stroke
* Alcohol Induced Apoptosis or (literally, cell death common in alcoholics)
* Advanced Macular Degeneration (AMD)
* and other diseases and symptoms

Why Noni from Whole health This Noni is the best you can get. Period. Organically grown (USDA-certified) in rich Tahitian soil, this liquid Noni is made of fresh fruit extract and infused with Noni leaves (which may have their own medicinal value). It contains 100 percent Noni juice, nothing else. Noni is expensive to make. Many manufacturers of Noni sell their product mixed with grape juice and blueberry juice. The addition of fruit juices is primarily done to cut costs, improve flavor and have you pay a high price for water and common fruit juices. Noni from Whole health contains Noni juice and nothing else, 100 percent pure, certified-organic Noni from Tahiti and mix it with your own juices at home or better yet, drink it straight. That's how nature intended it to be consumed. Try it and get your Noni juice.

Noni Juice - Tips For Buying a Good Juice?

Why buy noni juice? This health supplement drink was discovered in the South Sea Islands. There are 2 sorts of product, Tahitian and Hawaiian. You should know the difference between the two varieties--believe me, there is a definite difference!.

Hawaiian: If you want noni juice from Hawaii it should be made exclusively from the pulp and not have bark and leaves incorporated in it. Some companies will try to add these substances making a less pure product.

Processing is important if you want to buy Tahitian noni juice. The traditional method of obtaining the extract is to leave the fruit to ferment and catch the fruit extract as it drains. This will result in the purest form of extract. When you buy juice made this way it will have maximum nutrition.

To make sure the juice is pure, you will need to do some research. Check out the company and where the product is really coming from. When you buy this juice it should not be made from frozen, imported concentrate but actually come from fresh fruit. In this way you will be getting the genuine product and the maximum nutrition from it.

Check out any company that you want to buy noni juice from as you do not want to risk buying from unreliable businesses. You can do this by their website and their about us page. If there are a lot of outrageous claims and hype you may want to move to a different company.

When you look at the above points you will have a better idea of what is available to you and the things to watch out for.

The Truth Behind Tahitian Noni Juice

Unless you have been living under a rock for the past few years you have probably at some point heard of the phrase tahitian noni juice. A seemingly obscure drink from a foreign island there has been much confusion over the purpose and actual nature of this supposed miracle formula.

Basically tahitian noni juice is said by its founders to be a miracle health compound. It is said to assist people with a wide variety of symptoms such as high blood pressure, arthritis and digestive problems as well as generally promoting overall health.

Noni Juice itself is derived from the noni fruit that has been found on a number of tropical islands such as hawaii and others in the French Polynesia region such as Tahiti. Claims are that islanders have been prescribed the noni fruit as a cure for many diseases for centuries before modern science stumbled upon this special compound.

Tahitian Noni juice has been developed by a complicated scientific procedure and is not merely the result of the extraction of the juices of this plant. In actual fact the true juice of the Noni plant are highly acidic and are not fit for human consumption. The juice has undergone a process of extraction, then purification to rid it of dangerous and unpalatable chemicals and so is ready and in fact pleasant for consumption.

So how does this noni stuff work? What's the miracle ingredient?

The seemingly otherworldly benefits of tahitian noni juice come from an ingredient called minora citrifolia. Minora citrifolia contains the all important compound called proxeronine which when digested into the body combines with proxeroninase to form xeronine. This is where the magic occurs. Xeronine is an agent called an alkaloid that is naturally occuring in the body of humans and animals that helps to regulate protein formations within the human body. Since proteins comprise a large majority of our physical structure, the ability to regulate proteins by reforming new cell tissue and repairing damaged tissues. It is the repair of these tissues that leads to an overall boosting of the bodies immune system and an increased ability to recover from injuries and illness. Not only that it is said to increase energy levels day to day and boost mental and physical performance.

Tahitian noni juice is a mixture combined only of natural ingredients and contains no traces of labratory manufactured chemicals, so it causes no side effects within the human body. There is however a very special manner in which noni is required to be taken for it to yield the maximum benefits. Directions should be carefully followed as to its intended usage.

If you are looking for an overall health supplement to give you an extra kick of energy or help ward off the myriad of health issues that come even with graceful ageing, tahitian noni juice may well be worth a look.

Why Is Noni Juice So Popular

One of the most popular new health supplements on the market is Noni Juice. There are many different types of Noni Juice on the market today. There are also many different claims that surround Noni Juice. Studies indicate that Noni Juice can do everything from heal your migraines to make you live longer. Some of these claims are true while others are simply propaganda to designed to help you part with some of the money in your pocketbook. The articles on our site below are designed to help you tell Noni Juice truth from fiction.

What is Noni Juice?

The morinda citrifolia fruit, which can be located in various places in the South Pacific, creates Noni Juice. The morinda citrifolia is part of the Rubiacea plant family. Once it the plant blossoms, the fruit will appear within three months. The fruit looks much like a potato does. Once the fruit has had the opportunity to ripen, it has clear green bumpy skin, a heavy fragrance, and it has the thick consistency of a tomato. While it comes in many forms, Tahitian Noni Juice and Hawaiian Noni Juice are two of the most popular. It is said that South Pacific natives have used Noni Juice for thousands of years as a safe health supplement. Both the Department of Agriculture and the U.S. Food and Drug Administration have suggested Noni Juice is quite safe.

What Are Some Noni Juice Benefits?

There are many suggested benefits to Noni Juice. Many claim it can help with conditions like stress, asthma, allergies, and headaches. Several have said it can assist with weight loss and many different skin disorders. Some even claim it can help with more serious conditions like high blood pressure, arthritis, diabetes, cancer, multiple sclerosis, fibromyalgia, and problems associated with stroke.

How Does Noni Juice Work?

Part of the reason researchers claim that Noni Juice works is because of the essential elements it contains. One of the most important things our bodies need to maintain the proper protein structure and keep our cells communicating is xeronine. However, many of the toxins in our enviornment change our ability to take xeronine into our systems. As a result, we must find other methods of adding it to our bodies. Without it, our cells get weak, causing tissue decay, organ weakening, and eventually, serious health problems. The proxeronine found in Noni Juice can stop this process. In fact, Noni is one of the best sources of proxeronine known to man. The proxeronine found in Noni can not only prevent your cells from succumbing to illness in the first place, some say it can actually help to heal the cells even if they are already sick.

Why is Tahitian Noni Juice Controversial?

Tahitian noni juice is extremely popular, but that popularity has also generated a lot of controversy. This article takes a look at some of the reasons why Tahitian noni juice (and other types of noni juice) has this mixed reputation. Is noni juice all it's cracked up to be, or is it just a scam?

First of all, a bit of background. Noni juice and other noni products have been used by the Tahitians and other cultures in the tropics for centuries. They have found the noni plant to be very versatile, and to be effective for a range of medicinal purposes. In the late 20th century noni juice began to attract attention in the west, and in recent years the noni juice industry has boomed. Today noni juice is extremely popular amongst natural health aficionados, and has acquired a reputation for being something of a 'miracle cure' for a wide variety of ailments. It has also been studied scientifically, resulting in new insights into how it works (although only a limited amount of research has been conducted, to date). But it seems clear that noni juice has produced beneficial results for many people, both throughout history, and in recent years. So why the controversy?

Noni juice is controversial for a few reasons, as I see it. These include:

1. The way noni juice is often marketed

Many noni juice manufacturers distribute their products using MLM (multi level marketing) schemes, and rightly or wrongly, MLM has a bad reputation with the general public. Many products sold through MLM can be very good, and many MLM businesses are highly ethical, but those that aren't tend to tar the reputation of the rest. In some cases, products that are sold in this way can be priced artificially high, since all of the distributors must get their cut. MLM distributors also have a bad reputation for making inflated claims to sell their products, and this has happened in some instances with noni juice sellers (of course such exaggerations aren't limited to MLM businesses - misinformation is everywhere!)

2. Tahitian noni juice is sometimes touted as a miraculous 'cure-all'

Many people have had significant - and sometimes dramatic - improvements in their health after using Tahitian noni juice and other noni products. People have also reported noni juice as being effective against a very wide variety of ailments, from headaches to asthma. There is no doubt that noni juice has produced excellent results for many. Unfortunately, some noni juice manufacturers have seized upon such results, and exaggerated them, claiming that noni juice will work against just about any illness, for just about everyone. It should go without saying that no substance - natural or synthetic - will work in every case. Noni juice is not a drug, it is not a cure-all, and it isn't guaranteed to work. Reputable noni juice manufacturers will not make such inflated claims, and sensible noni juice consumers - while hoping for the best - will not expect instant miracles.

3. The proliferation of poor quality Tahitian and other noni 'juices' on the market

Try shopping for noni juice, and you may have to wade through a lot of poor quality products to get to the good stuff. Much of what appears to be noni juice, isn't. Instead, you will find 'noni drinks' which consist of a small percentage of real noni juice, topped up with water, other fruit juices, sugar, synthetic flavourings and other fillers. Do not expect to get any health benefits from these noni drinks! When buying noni juice you should always look for pure noni juice. Such high quality juices will either be 100% pure or may be around 99% noni juice with up to about 1% natural preservative such as citric acid and/or natural flavorings to make it more palatable.

Other things to look out for include the type of processing to which the juice has been subjected (this should be minimal - the best noni juice is as close to its natural state as possible), and whether or not the juice is made from organically -grown noni fruit.

So, as you can see, some of the main reasons for noni juice's controversial reputation need not be deterrents to trying the juice, if it appeals to you. It can be sold in an ethical way, it is a dietary supplement which is often helpful, but not a cure-all, and you can choose high quality pure noni juice and avoid the junked-up imitations. Much of the controversy around noni juice stems from ignorance, but if you take a sensible approach and do your homework before buying, you can try it with confidence.

Sara Buckingham is a natural health enthusiast who has spent a large part of her life investigating both modern and age-old holistic health practices. She is especially interested in the properties of noni juice, and has created a blog on the subject at The Noni Juice Review

TAHITIAN NONI™ Juice - The Ultimate Noni Juice

There are a number of different reasons to choose TAHITIAN NONI™ Juice over every single brand on the market. To begin with, you can tell they have the best product based on their international sales records. More than ninety-five percent of worldwide noni juice buyers choose Tahitian Noni for their product needs. Buyers include normal people like you and I as well as celebrities like NBA All-Star Chauncey Billups, professional body builders Holly and Mike Semanoff, and movie star Danny Glover. People buy TAHITIAN NONI™ Juice because it, unlike the other Noni products on the market, works.

Another reason to choose TAHITIAN NONI™ Juice over those other companies is that Tahitian Noni International have completed more research studies than any other Noni brand on the market. In one of the most recent studies, a 2004 study published in the Hawaii Medical Journal, TAHITIAN NONI™ was shown to be viable for further cancer research, indicating that it might be able to help cancer patients in a way that our current pharmaceutical industry cannot. A 2003 study published in Angiogenesis suggested that TAHITIAN NONI™ can stop the growth of tumors.

TAHITIAN NONI™ Juice has many benefits for your health. If you are looking for some of the benefits you may have heard on the news, read about in an article, or heard your peers discussing, be sure you turn to TAHITIAN NONI™ Juice. It is the #1 selling noni juice supplement on the market and for good reason.

Why Noni Juice?

Noni juice (morinda citrifolia) has experienced a meteoric rise in popularity since its inception back in 1996 with worldwide sales now over US$1,000,000,000. Used for thousands of years as a health tonic to treat common ailments, only in the last 10 years have the benefits of noni juice been noticed by the western world.

Although thousands of individuals have used noni juice and provided positive testimonials supporting their recovery and improved health, the FDA forbids manufacturers from making claims that noni juice cures or that it can help treat specific health conditions. This is mainly because limited medical research has been done on noni juice to back up any health claim.

What Noni Juice Treatments Have Been Scientifically Researched?

Very few Noni Juice cures have been put through the rigorous scientific testing that one might like to see in cases. However, in the context of a cholesterol lowering agent, Noni Juice has been studied on an extensive basis. Because people tend to have poor diets in general, there are lots of people suggesting they have a remedy for high cholesterol. However, it seems quite possible that Noni Juice cures high cholesterol, making it possible to live a life free of expensive cholesterol lowering drugs. The American Heart Association has called for more research to be done, but the early findings of a study that was sponsored by the Tahitian Noni Juice company looks quite promising.

Benefits Of Tahitian Noni Juice

One of the most important benefits of Tahitian Noni Juice is the fact that it can help your cells to regenerate. One of the most important molecular compounds found in this Tahiti product is proxeronine. This chemical is a building block to xeronine, a chemical known to be essential to the healthy growth of cells within the human body. Because of many of the problems that our world currently faces, including poor water supplies and air pollution, the content of xeronine in the human body is going down on a continual basis. Research suggests this is one of the major reasons that people are getting sick. Tahitian Noni Juice, unlike all other Noni Juice products, can help to rebuild your supply of xeronine through its supply of proxeronine, a precursor to this important chemical. Because many of the other international islands' Noni Juice products are grown with terrible soil contents, Tahitian Noni Juice is the only way to help build your cells up with xeronine.

Another one of the most important benefits of Tahitian Noni Juice is that it can act as a pain reliever if you are injured. A 1990 study suggested that mice treated with Tahitian Noni Juice had significantly less pain than those who were not treated with the product. Pain relief areas of the brain were shown to be “lit up,” if you will, throughout the course of this benefits of Tahitian Noni Juice study.


Tahitian noni juice

Tahitian noni juice is a registered product of Tahitian Noni International(TNI). Tahitian noni juice is made from noni puree. Tahitian noni juice is produced from 100% natural incredients which is not containing any chemical preservatives or artificial flavors or added sugars or any thickener chemicals. It is purely flavored with natural blueberries and the concentrates from grape juices such as morinda citrafolia and French polynesia.

Since Tahitian noni juice is made of blueberries, the juice is one of the best antioxidants because blueberry is the best high source for antioxidants which is a well known thing. Entirely the juice is full of made by juice extracts which are very rich in vitamins too. These vitamins will enhance the human immune systems power thus it will fight strong against any disease causing agents or organisms. Totally the immune power will become powerful.

There are many others reasons to go for Tahitian noni juice. This juice components serves as a medicine for many skin and hair diseases. Tahitian noni juice makes the digestive system proper. It will increase the human energy level.

Tahitian noni is a small tree actually plant belongs to the family of Rubiaceae. Tahitian noni juice is the best one among all the other noni juice since already people have claimed that Tahitian noni juice is the best cure for lot of ailments and many people are buying in bulk to have daily basis. It is sold in a pack which contains four bottles. It will last for a period of 2 years if it is properly refrigerated and maintained especially after opened the bottles.

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