Noni berry is a powerful antioxidant and has been used over 2,000 years. People who consumed Noni juice have lower incidences of many diseases and illnesses.
Noni berry has been used by natives of the pacific islands for over 2,000 years. It is only recently that western societies have begun using the plant and its fruit as a natural supplement. What we do know about Noni berry, based on western science, is that it is a powerful antioxidant. Noni berry reduces modification of low-density lipoprotein (LDL) which should lessen the onset of arteriosclerosis. Noni appears to boost the immunity of people taking it and to have anti-inflammatory properties. Noni berry (also known as Indian Mulberry) is a green, lumpy, pocked fruit that is about the size and shape of potato. It is only recently that western societies have begun using the plant and its fruit as a natural supplement. Concerning Noni berry, the vast majority of the science and knowledge of the fruit is of a traditional basis. Western science of a reliable nature is just now starting to accumulate on Noni and for now most of the traditional medicine claims are unsubstantiated by double-blind placebo studies. Certainly many studies and scientific analysis have shown promising results, particularly In Vitro (laboratory, test tube, Petri dish, etc.), but only time will tell if more rigorous studies prove the medicinal value of Noni berry. No small thing to be an antioxidant:
Noni berry is a powerful antioxidant. An antioxidant is a substance that reduces the oxidative damage caused by free radicals.
Free radicals are unstable atoms or molecules with at least one unpaired electron. These atoms or molecules with unpaired electrons go looking for another electron to pair up with. If they find an electron, they take it. That makes them stable now, but it makes the atoms or molecules that they took the electron from, unstable. This makes for a new, Free Radical. Additionally, the serious damage from Free Radicals seems to come in the act of searching for, piercing into and taking electrons from cells. This "oxidization" activity damages cell structures, particularly the cellular plasma membranes. Plasma cell membranes are natural gate keepers for cells, deciding what comes and goes within the cell. Damaging the plasma cell membrane and/or having the presence of free radicals in the cell, can damage the cell's ability to generate energy (in the mitochondria organelles), damage the cell's nucleus and/or damage the cell's DNA. Through this process the use and movement of nutrients, oxygen, water, waste products and toxins can also be hindered.
So how do we stop, or reduce the activities or impacts of free radicals? The answer is the aforementioned Antioxidants. Numerous scientific studies have concluded that by consuming foods and supplements which are rich in antioxidant properties, the incidence of diseases associated with the consequences of Free Radical oxidization can be reduced. This does not mean that these diseases can be cured, treated or prevented. Rather, it means that in scientific studies, people who consumed significant levels of antioxidants had lower incidences of these diseases including: Antioxidants inhibit the oxidization and/or the reactions that are caused by free radicals and by doing so, limit or stop the effects of Free Radicals.
* Prostate Cancer
* Skin Cancer
* Colon /Rectal Cancer
* Heart Disease
* Congestive Heart Failure
* Stroke
* Alcohol Induced Apoptosis or (literally, cell death common in alcoholics)
* Advanced Macular Degeneration (AMD)
* and other diseases and symptoms
Why Noni from Whole health This Noni is the best you can get. Period. Organically grown (USDA-certified) in rich Tahitian soil, this liquid Noni is made of fresh fruit extract and infused with Noni leaves (which may have their own medicinal value). It contains 100 percent Noni juice, nothing else. Noni is expensive to make. Many manufacturers of Noni sell their product mixed with grape juice and blueberry juice. The addition of fruit juices is primarily done to cut costs, improve flavor and have you pay a high price for water and common fruit juices. Noni from Whole health contains Noni juice and nothing else, 100 percent pure, certified-organic Noni from Tahiti and mix it with your own juices at home or better yet, drink it straight. That's how nature intended it to be consumed. Try it and get your Noni juice.
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